Monday, November 30, 2009

So Monday, what do you think?

Helloooo guys :)

It's free night from task or I love it

Engga tau kenapa lagi pengen nge-post sesuatu hihi cuma postingan singkat aja sih

Hmmm...tadi siang katanya gue denger ada yang meninggal loncat dari lantai 4 mall Grand Indonesia hiiii mengerikan deh terus tadi sore gue denger lagi katanya pacarnya ikutan loncat dari lantai 5 sency tapi masih kritis belum meninggal aduh kasian banget pasti lebih sakit itu, udah loncatnya lebih tinggi tapi mau mati ga bisa --> belum takdirnya. Ya berdoa aja deh supaya mereka dapet pilihan terbaik, Amin.

Oke gue ga akan ngebahas itu, terlalu menyeramkan. How about this day?

Minggu ini jadwalnya upacara yaya gapapa deh lebih mending daripada budaya baca. Gue ga suka budaya baca kalo inget kejadian minggu lalu yang bikin gue sakit hati (maaf berlebihan). Aduh tapi tadi pas ngumpulin summary budaya baca, ada hal ga penting banget agak bikin kesel sih tapi yasudahlah. Selanjutnya pelajaran kimia, pak kamal nge-shoot gambar kita lagi belajar dengan suasana belajar yang agak maksa untung gue ga ketawa pas itu. Oh iya Alhamdulllah banget tadi dibagiin ulangan kimia nilainya enak dipandang hehehe lumayan lah buat penyegaran mata --> eh iya ga boleh sombong. Sampe istirahat dzuhur kita ngadain review seadanya. Lalu, remedial sampe pulang wow aku tidur loh tadi (mimpi apaan ya? --> mengingat). Sedikit penambahan oleh Mrs.Yayuk, fotocopy-an kimianya bagus tuh banyak komiknya -_- (?) Tapi tadi adam kasian banget karena rambutnya yang baru dipotong entah kecelakaan atau emang keinginan hati tapi yang jelas itu jadi botak...gue awalnya ga berani liat abis kaya tuyul, hem maaf ya dam :P yang parah pas dia pulang saat melewati asrama tiba-tiba anak laki-laki X-3 nyerbu mengejek dia ada yang bilang silau, bohlam, biksu, dll pokoknya kejam banget jadi kasian.................tapi gue juga ngetawain sih hahaha (...). Tadi pas mau magrib mendung banget sampe serem sendiri liatnya.

Langit MHT sebelum Magrib
Selanjutnya tadi jam 7 sampa jam 9 ada tutor biologi with Mrs.Suharti, wah heboh banget dengan kata-kata beliau yang ga pake disensor dan sedikit ngaco yah gua lebih baik belajar sendiri jaringan hewan buat hari rabu. Hingga akhirnya pulang dan menonton sedikit aksi hansi Indira yang sedang mempertunjukan karate campur jujitsu, gue pikir dia mau bikin aliran baru hem karetsu --> kata lala ini kaya salah satu nama makanan di hokben...saya tidak tau. Oh iya dir makasih ya kentangnya!!

Baru-baru ini gue temukan bahwa teman sekamar gue itu ngepost deskripisi tentang gue yang sepertinya tidak sesuai kenyataan haha tapi kalo yang mau tau gue ::::: BACA INI :::::

Saya menemukan kata-kata ini :

She is not too tall, but not short. His height is around 160 cm. And her weight is ideal with her body, and it means that she has slim body.


Thank you yaaaa Indira :D

Yap sekian kata-kata yang kurang begitu bermakna ini jangan dimasukin ke pikiran kalo lu anggep ini garing. Follow me on twitter

Hoaaaahem, I'm feel sleepy, yeah better to sleep, bye all :) Besok mama-ku ulangtahun


Saturday, November 28, 2009

Social Network Sites

Hello guys, how are you?

Happy Idul Adha 1430 H. I hope in the next day, we can be better. Yeah welcome holiday haha. I really love this weekend.

Nice day to writing...and now I will talk about social network sites in the Internet. Internet or Interconnected-Networking is a network that connected the computers each other in the world. And now, many of sites are service about social network, such as twitter, facebook, myspace, etc.

What is social network?

Social network is social structure made by individuals or groups were connected and interacted each other in order to make a work relation, friendship, kinship, public relation, etc. Kind of interactions are made by individual to individual, individual to group, and group to group. So, the social network sites is available for us to connect, communicate, and interact with all people in the world have registered to use that site. I will try to explain about some social network sites
that many people are using it now. There are Twitter, Facebook, and MySpace.

First, Twitter is a free social networking and a micro-blogging service that enables its users to send and read messages known as tweets. Tweets are text-based posts of up to 140 characters displayed on the author's profile page and delivered to the author's subscribers who are nown as followers (from wikipedia). Twitter was created by Jack Dorsey in 2006. Now, twitter has been being popular because its functions didn’t just for communicating but also sharing what’s happening in the world. I think twitter can be one of information network. The data that I found from Alexa's web traffic analysis, twitter is ranked as one of the 50 most popular websites worldwide. A February 2009 blog entry ranked Twitter as the third most used social network based on their count of 6 million unique monthly visitors and 55 million monthly visits. In March 2009, a blog ranked Twitter as the fastest-growing site in the Member Communities category for February 2009. Twitter had a monthly growth of 1,382 percent.

Facebook is a global social networking website that is operated and privately owned by Facebook. Users can add friends and send them messages, and update their personal profiles to notify friends about themselves. Facebook also give us many of application, such as games, IQ test, etc. So, we can enjoy to use it. Additionally, users can join networks organized by city, workplace, school, and region. The web site's name stems from the colloquial name of books given at the start of the academic year by university administrations with the intention of helping students get to know each other better. The founder of facebook is Mark Zuckerberg with his college roommates and fellow computer science students Eduardo Saverin, Dustin Moskovitz and Chris Hughes while he was a student at Harvard University (from wikipedia). At first, facebook was created just for Harvard students but on later facebook was expanded to other colleges. Until now, around 3 million active users were using this website. At January 2009, study ranked facebook as the most used social network by worldwide monthly active users.

MySpace is also social networking website. MySpace became the most popular social networking site in the United States in June 2006. According to comScore, MySpace was overtaken internationally by its main competitor, Facebook in April 2008, based on monthly unique visitors. MySpace employs 1,000 employees, after lying off 30% of its workforce in June 2009 from wikipedia). Myspace is created by Fox Interactive Media, there is Tom Anderson, Owen Van Natta, Mike Jones, Jason Hirschhorn. The contents in Myspace profile are moods updates, information about personal user, blog, upload images and videos, comment by friend, etc. The features are bulletins, groups, IM, MySpaceTV, applications, news, classifieds, karaoke, polls, and forums. It’s all given to compete their competitor, Facebook.

The social network sites are competing each other to give the best for their users. So, they always give the new features. We can enjoy to use it as often as we want because it’s free. But, we must be careful to select the people who being our friends. And don’t forget to do other activities. Sometimes, we can forget the other things when we have been playing the Internet. Keep following my blog :) byeeee!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

My Unforgettable Experience - Creating a Short Movie

Hoahm...a tired day, I just went home and then opened my computer to write this posting. It is a lovely day, because today teachers were meeting so in this Saturday all the student can go home earlier.

Hmm I have an interesting story. This is about my unforgettable experience when I got an assignment from my English Teacher, Miss Desy, to create a short movie. That assignment was doing by the group and my groups are Fauzan, Adam, Ubay, Manda, Erza, Meva, me, Hana, Agis, and Prika. She gave us this assignment since Ramadhan and to be collected at October 16th 2009.

Our movie is telling about the friendship. It told that Adam, Manda, and Ubay are schoolmates and also close friends from they were in the kindergarten until they were in the junior high school. But, they had to separate in the different high school because their result of national exam is impossibility to make them in the same school. Then, Ubay and Adam became a bad boy in his each school. After in high school for several months, Manda got sick and refer to the doctor diagnose she got leukimia. One day, Adam and Ubay were fighting because they love the same girl that is Manda. And when they were phisicly fighting in the street, Manda came. Manda trying to stop that fighting but suddenly she fell down, passed out and passed away. Since that incident, Adam and Ubay improved their friendship.

That is the resume, is the first time for us to make a short movie. We know nothing about that before but we tried to do it. The process of shooting is made me tired even though it's really the unforgettable experience.

As usual when we had given assignment, we delayed to do it because of many reason. One week left from the deadline, we just created the script. Then, we just had 4 days for shooting. I thought that would easy before because we just acting like a movie star and cameraman will take all the scenes, that’s it. But, as the matter of the fact it didn't happen like I imagine. Many of mistake that we made such as forgetting the dialog, laughing when took the scene, or some unexpected thing else. So we could take one scene repeatedly.

Saturday, October 10th, 2009
Created the script and determine the setting.

Monday, October 12nd, 2009
First day of shooting. Took the scene when Adam, Manda, and Ubay were in the Junior High School. It took at the laboratory class.

Tuesday, October 13th, 2009
Took the scene when Adam, Manda, and Ubay looking the result of National Exam. You have to know that we stuck the paper of announcement on the wall using wet rice glue hihihi...

Wednesday, October 14th, 2009
Shot the behaviour of Ubay and Adam in his each school. We regret that we to carry out the shooting we must using biology session.

Thursday, October 15th, 2009
One day left...can you imagine that many of the scenes haven’t took yet mean while we have tto collect it in the tomorrow? Hmm...there is funny part scene, we need help from Syifa and Gita to be someone help Manda when she pass out, but they were over acting, we couldn’t avoid to laugh so this scene is taken repeatedly. The scene when Adam and Ubay were physically fighting is I like most. It’s taken in the night. Hmm...because it is the last day, we were shot until 11.30 a.m. and from that I knew shooting as not easy as I thought before.

Friday, October 16th, 2009
Waw today should have been collect our assignment, but we hadn’t finished yet. Fortunatally, the other groups also same with us. From morning until afternoon, we edited the movie and finished, huah really happy... but when we burned it into the CD and........... IT’S FAILED and the edited movie was erased. MY GOD!!!!!!! Huh....ok, we tried again but it happened twice. Almost of us were very desperated. Suddenly, we got an idea to try the other way to burned the CD and It's successeful We were so happy because our effort wasn’t useless. Hmm that I remember, when we were editing the movie, suddenly the earthquake shook. Astagfirullah maybe it’s warning from Allah because we had left from Imtaq.

Finally, Saturday Morning we collect the movie to Miss Desy. There is a seminar with Prof. Yohanes Surya. The parents came to attend this seminar and some of movie were shown. But, our movie weren’t. We’re so dissapointed. But almost at all, I’m so happy and it is one of my unforgettable experience.

Hmm...maybe it’s enough, I have to sleep because I must join Mathematics Competition in 70 SHS.
I will try to do the best...hope that I get lucky for tomorrow.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

My Saturday Without Physics

Pukul 03.30 : kebangun dengan sendirinya.

Pukul 04.30 : bunda gedor-gedor pintu buat solat Subuh berjamaah di masjid. Gua tungguin aja deh di depan pintu. Sampai selesai solat Subuh, ups.. kayaknya ada yang telat dateng, semua udah pada balik eh yang ini baru nyampe.

Pukul 06.00 : baru mandi eh roommate gua, Indira udah disuruh berangkat ke IPB.

Pukul 07.00 : berangkat ke SMAN 48 Jakarta buat KOMAT numpang mobil icha. Sampe di 48, wahaha banyak alumni 49 berlimpahan.

Pukul 08.30 : tes dimulai, nomer 1 OK 2 senyum 3 meringis 4 miris 5 gigit jari 6 tahan napas 7 tiduran 8 pandangan mulai kabur 9 ketiduran ........... OH IYA LUPA LAGI LOMBA (langsung kebangun) padahal tadi malem udah tidur paling cepet hahaha masih aja ketiduran. Lanjut, nomer 10 11 12 ... 30 panik!!! Waktu tinggal 45 menit lagi...

Pukul 11.00 : balik ke asrama MHT. Rencana mau nonton batal gara-gara ga dibolehin bunda. Satu hal konyol : waktu gua hampir nangis gara-gara ga boleh pergi terus telpon mama ga diangkat, gua mau kabur ke ruang tamu asrama, oke gua meninggalkan kumpulan orang itu, begonya pas gua buka pintu ternyata dikunci anjirrr malu banget semoga ga ada yang liat...ya supaya ga malu gua menuju ruang makan. Aisyah datang dan akhirnya kita pergi ke kantin.

Pukul 12.15 : Mama datang menjemput, dengan bawaan barang bejibun gua memutuskan untuk pulang. Akhirnya sampai di rumah, gua mengerjakan tugas bahasa inggris masih dalam bentuk draft sih seakarang. Yak...setelah itu gua keterusan main internet sampai detik ini

Pukul 17.30 : Bagusssss, tiba-tiba lampu mati, batre laptop tinggal 0,3 mm.

Oke posting-an seputar hari ini yang membosankan gua sudahi. Waw lampunya nyala...cuma 10 menit matinya.

Life In The Dorm

At the previous posting, I’d told about my school life. And now I’ll tell about my life in the dorm. My school is a boarding school.. For the first 6 months, we aren’t obligated to stay yet. Hmm... my home isn’t too far from school, but i choose to stay because if I don’t stay in the dorm, everyday I have to go to the school in the morning and go home in the evening. It will be tired and wasting time.

OK... I entered the dorm for the first time at August 24th, 2009. And my roommate is Indira Arofia Yudiana. At the begin, my room is room 220, but I moved to room 216, because the bathroom is leaking. And the room 216 is my room until now.

my old room

First, I tell about my roommate. She is an unordinary-girl. She was a champions at the many Karate championship. Sometimes, she showed me her Karate fists. I just laugh when she does it. Beside she has a Karate skill, she also a clever girl. She often help me when I have a problem. She loves mathematics like me, so we can help each other to solve a math problems. We often study together with Icha, Echa, Meva, Agis, and Prika, almost of that we’re doing in my room.

Than, my room... I’m shy to tell because my room is almost always massy. Maybe, my time is spent too much for study, so I don’t have any time to clean my room hahaha... just kidding I didn’t study as often as you think, it just my reason to tell why my room so massy.

Even though I’ve stayed at the dorm, but almost everyday I’m late going to school haha, actually the distance of both is not reached until 10 metres. I take a bath at 6.15 a.m. and have a breakfast at 6.45 a.m. can you imagine it? How I won’t be late? Haha I’ll change my bad behavior in the next time.

Hmm... I really love this activity when I and my friend have a spare time than we go to INDOMARET (...........) to buy some foods and the most important that is ICE CREAM.

And the other activities are nothing special. Everyday we must go to the mosque to pray together for the moslem. Hmm... when subuh time,”Bunda” is always knock our door hard with shouting that we must wake up and it make a noisy sound than waking me up. Finally, no choice I go to the mosque.

Every Tuesday and Friday, we have to get a jujitsu exercise. I’m very lazy for this one. I thought why we must study to fight (-_-). OK...everyone just tell me it will make your body fit, but I don’t think so.

Yeah, it just a little thing about the life at the dorm that I can told. It will be the important experience of my life. Love my school......MHT :)

Sunday, November 8, 2009

School Life

Thank God, it’s Sunday, hmm... a nice day because it’s holiday after I spent my six days in the school. What a busy week! Many tasks and tests, almost days I got one test or more.

Hmm...I’m school in SMA Negeri Unggulan Mohammad Husni Thamrin, from the name we’ve known that isn’t an ordinary school, so it’s one of super school in Jakarta. MHT is a new school and I’m school as the first starting of the school.

As the super school, MHT is like as an acceleration class, we have to complete the matter of three years in the first grade. Than, in the second grade, we’ll study about hard science olympiad matter and preparing for get the best university in the third grade.

I choose this school because it based on the hard science, such as mathematics, physic, biology, and chemistry. We learn one hard science subject in one day. I study chemistry in Monday, biology in Wednesday, math in Thursday, and physic in Saturday. Honestly, sometimes I felt boring because we just learn one subject from morning until evening. But, I really love that subjects. In Tuesday and Friday, we study the soft science subject such as english, sociology, history, ICT, art, and music.

As the consequence of student in super school, we have to spend more time to study, do the homework or task, etc. It caused limited time to sleep, to socialized with friends, and get the entertainment. That’s all need a good healthy and good stamina, even though sometimes I slept in the class, and when I suddenly wake up all of my friends is laughing me, that made me feel shy. And this often especially when biology class. Because it subject all always made me sleepy.

I live in the dorm. Almost everyday I sleep only around three hours, starting at 12 p.m. to 3 a.m. because most of the time is to prepare homework and testing. Unfortunately, most of the test sometimes is not passed or have to remedial. Huh, it’s very disappointed. Maybe I have to improve the way to study. And the good news after receive the midterm report, the result tend to increase although is still unsatisfied.

Sometimes, I felt disappointed about too many homework but I understand it would be useful to force me always exercises. Yeah, I just be patient and keep trying my best.